Sharing Ideas – Consulting Effectively


I have been consulting companies and managers since 2004 in questions of communication and change management. In so doing, as a coach and trainer I give impulse for successful and lasting change in medium-sized and international companies.

The following strengths support me:

  • Positive basic attitude… that has determined my interest in people for over 40 years.
  • Being a good listener… enabling me to also pick up on nuances and the unsaid.
  • A critical look… recognizing the often hidden resources and higher contexts.
  • Linguistic skills…helping me to get to the point and make complex issues comprehensible.
  • Special training and further training courses…which are a solid basis for my work.

Stages along the path of my professional career:


  • Studied Economics, Communication and American Studies, University of Bonn, University of Maryland, USA
  • Journalistic training (print, radio, TV), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
  • Editorial office Politics/Economics, Deutsche Welle tv
  • Conference  Management Media, Telecommunications, IT, Euroforum/ Handelsblatt
  • Political PR and election campaign management for direct candidate of the German Bundestag
  • Management Marketing/ Corporate Communication for industrial B2B-marketplace
  • Various qualifications as a consultant and coach